
Whether you’re looking to manage your weight, increase athletic performance, or simply want to have more energy throughout your day, Carolina NutriCoaching can help!  Browse our list of services below to see how.

Initial Consultation

This service includes a personalized 1 hour one-on-one meeting. Jessica will take time to get to know your situation and help you identify ways to improve your nutritional status. She will work with you to create a realistic plan to meet your goals and empower you with the relevant information you need to better take care of yourself and improve your athletic performance!

Self-Pay Price: $125

Discounts available if purchased as part of a nutrition package.

(Covered by certain insurance plans.  Contact your insurance provider to determine eligibility.)

Follow-Up Coaching

This is a 30-to-60 minute one-on-one session in order to keep you on track with your nutritional goals and provide you with any further education you may benefit from. This will provide you with the continued support and coaching necessary to make lasting changes.

$110 for 60 min follow-up session

Discounts available if purchased as part of a nutrition package.

(Covered by certain insurance plans.  Contact your insurance provider to determine eligibility.)

Group Training or Speaking

For those looking for a nutrition-related presentation for an event or group, Jessica is happy to come to you!  Jessica is happy to present on a variety of topics for sports teams, corporate events, church functions, and more.

Request a quote

Nutrition Packages

If you have very specific weight- or nutrition-related goals, we have special packages available!  Each is crafted with the exact amount of coaching and educational tools needed to help optimize your weight or increase athletic performance.

Check out our packages


Yes!  Jessica is a preferred provider for several insurance companies.  Click here to see if yours is on the list.

Jessica works with all people who enjoy being active, whether you are just starting on your fitness journey or you are a professional athlete!

Not at this time.  Jessica believes that real progress is made face-to-face (whether in person or via telehealth).

Yes!  Jessica works with kids, teens, and adults to improve overall health and increase athletic performance.  If a pediatric patient needs more specialized help, we will recommend other resources.  Please reach out to see if your pediatric patient would benefit from Jessica’s services.

The term “eating disorder” encompasses a wide variety of conditions and situations.  Please contact Jessica to inquire whether Carolina NutriCoaching is a good fit for yours.  

Everyone is different, so Jessica will work with you to determine the ideal number of sessions for your situation.  However, we find that 3-4 sessions are often appropriate for many people.

Ready to get started?

Book an appointment with Jessica today to begin your journey to better health!